Jun 132010
painting from the wall of St. Gregory's church in San Francisco showing a dance.

Here is another wedding from deeper in the stack. Amber and Colin got married at St. Gregory’s Church in San Francisco.

I’ve seen a lot of weddings in my time; Over 600. The ceremony at St. Gregory was pretty unique. It started off relatively similar to most weddings, people in a church, bride and a groom in front. Maybe a bit more colorful. Three officiants instead of one. People sing, which in my experience is somewhat rare these days, but not in the least unheard of. Touches that are slightly different, but not notable.

But then, it got more interesting. Everybody gets in a tight group, and everybody puts their hands on the shoulder of the person next to them, so the entire group is connected by touch.

Then, everybody in the entire church processes to an alter (called “the open table of Jesus”) near the back of the church. Then, and here is the best part, everybody, still touching, does this dance.

Here is a photo panted on the wall of the church of saints and luminaries from human history doing the dance that everybody at the wedding (guests included) do at the end of the ceremony:

paintinng from the wall of St. Gregory's church in San Francisco showing a dance.

Mural of the dance.

The effect was altogether captivating. You can see for yourself.

All Photos © Alex Schoenfeldt 2005. All rights reserved.
San Francisco Photographer